We are so EXCITED to announce that ROLLS ROYCE is now a CHAMPION.. Your Puppy is now direct Champion Lines!!

With a combined 3 decades producing bulldogs between us, we feel we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with others. We are now offering our Professional Breeder and Pet Owner Services to the public. Services include Consultation, Whelping, Ultrasound, Litter, Stud and Dam Evaluations, Boarding, Photography, Digital and Website Design and more. 

When Average Won’t Do, Come Through…

We USE and Recommend NuVET

Veteran Chris Moore

Chirs served our country a total of 16yrs in both the Marines and the Army. This year at ABKC 2023 Nationals he was awarded VETERAN of the Year!

Everyone is so proud of you, and we all did amazing at keeping such a big secret!

We also took home Best Grand Champion Olde English Bulldogge with Bulky Built’s Bucking Bodacious. AND.. we won the most prestigious award for the 5th time! Best Olde English Bulldogge with Bulky Built’s ROCKY!

Horizon Animal Care

Flies into Virginia to interview us in December 2023

We had so much fun doing this interview. Check it out to see why we choose the Olde English Bulldogge, and get a litte glimpse into our approach to breeding and raising dogs.

The Bulldog Social Club Podcast

We we’re interviewed by the BULLDOG HISTORIAN himself, Sean O’Brien!

Delve into our Bulldoggin minds, and hear our perspectives when it comes to just plain BULLDOGGIN’! We promise to begin our own podcast soon! Hey and next time I’ll blowdry my hair and add some makeup hehe..


Our FIRST Official YouTube Interview

We loved this studio! In fact the whole facility was amazing. We made this video right before re-locating to Virginia.. I have a feeling we would have visited XDOG a lot more.

Welcome to Chris + Gina, the collaboration and marriage of two kennels! We are actively involved in the success and progression of the Olde English Bulldogge breed. Chris is an International judge for the American Bully Kennel Club and Gina has begun her apprenticeship.

We have grown children and grandchildren and decided we didn’t want an empty nest for long. Thus, our two youngest children, Aro and Aurora. They’re right in the mix, getting their hands dirty and learning the importance of working as a family, treating animals with kindness and your word is everything.

Through our trials and tribulations, we are building better bulldogs and helping other breeders along the way. Come be a part of our JOURNEY, our BULL+DOGGE Family!


The merger of Gina’s program (Saints & Sinners Bulldogges) and Chris kennel. At the beginning we thought we had to marry our programs too. At the time it was a good thing, it helped make us who we are! But in time we’ve learned that our own brands mean so much to us.


Chris Moore’s original Olde English Bulldogge program is known for owning and producing some of the freakiest BULLDOGS in the world. Adding mass, substance and BULLDOG TYPE to many kennels and couches throughout time.